Welcome to the war-torn Nuba Mountains of Sudan, where American Doctor Tom Catena selflessly and courageously serves the needs of a forgotten people, as the region is bombed relentlessly by an indicted war criminal, Omar Al-Bashir. Two things remain constant: Dr. Tom's faith and his enduring love for the Nuba...

The Promise is an upcoming historical drama directed by Terry George (Hotel Rwanda) and starring Christian Bale, Oscar Isaac, and Charlotte LeBon, set in the final days of the Ottoman Empire. The Facebook page for The Promise was created by WOW Production Services in August 2016, in preparation for the film's...

Jeremy Lin came from a humble background to make an unbelievable run in the NBA. State high school champion, All-Ivy League at Harvard, undrafted by the NBA and unwanted there -- his story started long before he landed on Broadway. Facebook was used to successfully spread the word about this inspirational...